tryin something new to keep the lubricated zine pulse alive ... our dear friends @ the best shop in santa cruz, Idle Hands are in cahoots with us! we'll be throwing SALVATION SUNDAY monthly bringing you live music, trunk shows & renegade art shows from talented folks far & wide to our neighborhood. our first one is this sunday, june 26... with live music from Gavi Grapevine (fame Fire Whiskey) & leather products from Hoof and Horn Leather Goods (Oakland), as well as their brilliantly talented kids zines, Devil Zines (as seen in the Huffington Post) ... all amazing artists that you should come & check out & support! friends & family are welcome as this about art & community! cheers & can't wait to be saved this sunday with y'all!
June 26th
Idle Hands
803 Pacific Ave
Santa Cruz, CA